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Does your rental property meet the Healthy Home Standards?

Book a rental compliance check and find out if your property meets Healthy Home Standards.

By 1 July 2025, all rental properties must comply with the updated terms. These standards cover insulation, heating, ventilation, smoke alarms and drainage, and draught stopping. 

Landlords must include documentation with rental contracts regarding their compliance with the Healthy Home Standards. 

We offer hassle-free rental compliance checks that can ensure your property is up-to-date. Our qualified team will visit your property to ensure it meets the new standards and provide certified documentation to prove your house is compliant.

Get in touch to book an assessment.

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What are the Healthy Homes Standards?

The Healthy Home Standards is about making rental properties warmer and drier. These standards cover insulation, heating, ventilation, smoke alarms and drainage, and draught stopping. 

The Healthy Homes Standards became law on 1 July 2019. Changes to the standards took effect in 2022, and by 1 July 2025, all rental properties need to be compliant with the updated terms.

For more information on the Healthy Home Standards, visit here.


The cost for a Rental Compliance check is $450 + GST. Our qualified assessors will inspect your property and provide a detailed report.

To receive a certificate of compliance is $150 + GST. This documentation will prove your property is compliant with the new standards.

Support for landlords

If your property doesn’t meet standards upon inspection, we can provide support to help you meet the criteria. We offer competitive pricing and will help ensure your home meets Healthy Home Standards.

We can provide;

  • Insulation
  • Insulation certificates
  • Curtains
  • Draught stopping materials

For more information on our services for rental properties, visit here.

Contact us to book an assessment.

Insulation assessment

If your property needs an insulation top-up, we offer competitive pricing. For more information on our insulation services, visit here.

An insulation assessment will be completed during a Rental Compliance Check.

What do I receive?

Upon the successful completion of a Rental Compliance Check, you will receive the following;


  • A comprehensive report of your property detailing Healthy Homes Standards criteria.
  • A certificate of compliance proving your rental property meets Healthy Homes Standards at cost.
  • A statement of insulation if installed by CEA.

If your property doesn’t meet the Healthy Homes Standards, we will provide you with report recommendations to get your property compliant.

Get in touch to book an assessment

Book a Rental Compliance Check and make sure your rental property meets the new Healthy home Standards.

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